
One Man’s Perspective: Eating Pussy

An in-depth look at the mind of a man during the act of cunnilingus. You know — eating pussy. Note: The goal is to allow women a...
The Romantic Dominant
12 min read

What You Do To Me

Too much time has passed since I felt your breath, Kitten. Your beautiful eyes looking right back into mine has somehow become...
The Romantic Dominant
9 min read

In Control

She was sitting on his face, as his tongue was playfully working through her thighs, climbing all the way to her secret...
21st Century Loving
4 min read

There’s no Cuddling After an Orgy

When your demure, beautiful wife suddenly proposes an orgy, do you: a. ask further questions such as why? where? when? eh? b. blurt out...
John Tinney
4 min read

Three Days — Part I

Three Days — Part I Three days was the morning. My focus three days old. My head, it landed To the sounds of cricket bows… I...
The Romantic Dominant
4 min read

Hungry For Seconds

We are lying in bed in the late afternoon after one of our epic lovemaking sessions. We are talking about life in...
21st Century Loving
4 min read

Bouncy Mode

She is on all fours in the bed, and I am placing myself behind her to start on our next “hands on”...
21st Century Loving
3 min read

Writing Lines

Writing lines. Writing lines. Writing lines. . . . Lines enough until your tendons ache Until your throbbing muscles quake And your haughty brattiness starts to break...
Spanking Theatre
1 min read

Bangkok Nights

No matter what the linguists say, all cultures share a common tongue… As the train slid smoothly into Siam station, Andi stood and...
Queen Autumn
8 min read

Hold me by the wrists

It was an early autumn night. They were in her room in the apartment that she was sharing with a girlfriend she...
21st Century Loving
2 min read