High School Reunion

5 min read

photo: SexArt

It was time for my 10-year high school reunion. The timing was perfect, as I had just broken up with my boyfriend, and there would be plenty of unattached men at the event.

Back in high school, I was a bit of a nerd. “Olivia always has her nose in a book,” was a popular refrain. I loved reading; I loved literature. My grades reflected my achievements.

Being a nerd paid off for me. I was only a few years out of law school, and I was already making six figures. I was sure this put me in the upper crust of achievement from my high school graduating class. I looked at myself in the mirror. Instead of getting depressed about my break up and wallowing in depression and ice cream, I decided that I wasn’t going to let life get me down.

I looked at my body in the mirror. I wasn’t the frumpy girl that I had been in high school. My years of hard work at the gym had paid off. I had a hard, curvy body.

I said to myself, “I’m a hell of a catch, and any man would be lucky to have me.”

It was time to take the same attitude with men that I had taken with career achievement. I was going to go after what I wanted.

At the reunion, I set my sights on William Maxwell. He was a bad boy type back in high school, but fuck, he was hot. I’d always secretly wished I was one of those girls he fucked. I’d sometimes visualize him fucking those sexy, cheerleader types when I masturbated. It was time to make my fantasy a reality.

I looked at him from across the dimly lit gym and scoped him out like he was my prey. He was even hotter than he had been back in high school. I could see the muscles bulging inside the tight suit that he was wearing. It hugged his v-shaped frame perfectly. He had the perfect, firm jawline, covered in stubble.

I was wearing a tight little dress that barely covered my ass and accentuated the hard-won curves of my sexy body, a body I’d earned through countless hours on the treadmill and in the weight room. I turned heads, and it turned me on.

After some small talk in the gym over drinks, I decided to get to the point. “I bet there isn’t anyone in the teacher’s lounge.”

William smiled, and his eyes widened. He was struck by how forward I was. He looked my body up and down. “Damn, Olivia, you have changed.”

I smirked at him. “I get what I want,” I matter-of-factly told him.

After we got to the lounge, I reached down and grabbed William’s cock through his suit. I felt his bulging, throbbing erection with only a thin layer of cloth between us. As I rubbed his erection, he began kissing me more deeply.

He reached down and lifted my velvety dress. The dress barely covered my ass, and I was wearing no underwear. He thrust two fingers into my vagina. My juices covered his fingers at the moment that he slipped his hungry tongue into my mouth. I sucked on his tongue, channeling my inner naughtiness.

He pulled away from me and looked me in the eye. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said as he gazed at me.

I smiled at the compliment as I unzipped his pants and took out his cock. I gently stroked him as I removed his shirt, feeling his muscles underneath my fingers.

“Sit down on that couch,” I told him.

William sat down on the couch as he gazed at my body with his cock standing at attention. I wiggled my tight ass in the air while he stroked his dick, lusting after me. I felt so alive at the control I had over this man. I had him in the palm of my hand.

I straddled him, gliding his cock along my pussy but not allowing him to penetrate me. I wanted to build up the desire within him. His hands moved along my body, as I unzipped the back of my dress, my heaving breasts descending upon his face. The dress was now nothing but a velvety belt as he looked up at me.

His fingers caressed my nipples, and they hardened with desire as he touched them. I continued to glide my pussy along the length of his cock, gently stimulating me and teasing him. He licked his lips, looking my body up and down and letting the lust overcome him.

“God, I want to fuck you,” he told me hungrily.

I touched his cock and slowly jerked him, leaning in for a kiss. “Do you want this body?” I asked him.

Desperately, he said, “Yes, I want your body.”

I reveled in the control that I had over this chiseled man. He was putty in my hands, and it was likely a sharp contrast to the command he usually exercised with women.

I stood up and walked away. A shocked look crossed William’s face. I thew the dress on the floor, letting him soak in the sight of my flat abs and bubble ass, earned through hours of squats at the gym.

I looked at him in the eye: “Tell me you fucking want me.”

“I fucking want you,” he said, as he desperately stroked his cock.

I giggled. “I can’t hear you,” I told William.

“I fucking want you! I want your fucking pussy!” he cried out.

I sat next to him on the couch and spread my legs. “Touch my pussy,” I told him. His fingers descended into my vagina. I reached down and rubbed my clit aggressively. I began fucking his finger while his dick throbbed with unfulfilled desire.

“Touch my breasts,” I told him. His calloused hand cupped my breast, and he began massaging my nipple while I fucked his fingers and rubbed my clit. The way he touched me was delightful, but mostly I was turned on at the fact that this big, tough guy obeyed me.

I bent over on the couch, putting my ass in the air. “Lick my pussy,” I told William. He leaned in and began feasting on my cunt while he jerked off his cock. I could feel his stubble graze my ass while his face buried into me and his tongue entered me.

“Fuck me with your tongue!” I screamed out. His hands grappled my taut ass cheeks as his tongue plunged in and out of me. I started rubbing my clit while he tongue fucked me, with my juices dripping onto his face.

“Okay, William, it’s time. You can fuck me now.”

He rapidly took his face from my cunt and took his fat cock and entered me. My pussy adjusted to his hulking manhood as he plunged into me.

“Mmmm,” I moaned, as he grappled my hips and began fucking me aggressively. His cock was so fucking hard, and I was pleased that I had built up so much desire within him.

“Fuck me, William, fuck me hard.”

My hands dug into the couch and his hands dug into my ass. He began thrusting hard and fast. “Harder, fuck me harder,” I told him. He started to lose control and fucking me hard and fast. I could feel his cock grow harder and I knew he was about to cum.

“You can’t cum yet,” I told him mischievously. “I want to look at you.”

I lay down on my back, spreading my legs and displaying my hungry pussy as a gift for his engorged fuck stick. William grabbed my ankles and entered me while I looked upon the distressed and hungry look on his face. He was overcome with lust for me, and it filled me with power over him. He began fucking me. “Fuck, Olivia, you’re incredible,” he told me as his bulging muscles rippled.

He started fucking me hard, and I rubbed my clit while I made eye contact with him.

“You want to cum in this pussy, don’t you?” I said to him.

“Fuck, yes,” he told me.

I maneuvered my fingers on his tight abs. “Fuck me harder,” I commanded him.

The sweat began to glisten along his body, adding a healthy sheen to his rippling muscles.

“Am I the hottest girl you’ve ever fucked?” I asked him.

“Yes, you’re the hottest girl I have ever fucked,” he told me through gritted teeth and sexual hunger.

“Fuck me like I’m the hottest girl you ever fucked,” I said, looking him in the eye with assertive authority.

He leaned in and kissed me, as he fucked me hard, letting my cunt envelop him. “Harder, make me cum,” I told him.

He held me tight and began licking my neck. I could feel the orgasm start to build within both of us. He tightened his strong embrace of my body and the heat of our bodies emanated into us. He was fucking me hard and fast, and each thrust consumed my body.

His cock grew harder, more engorged, and his thrusts grew more urgent. I could feel a wave of warmth go from my clit all the way up to my chest, and my body began to shake. Waves of pleasure overcame me, and I creamed all over his cock, as he fucked me with increasing urgency. As his cock was at a stiff peak, he erupted within me, filling my cunt with his seed while our eyes were interlocked.

We had orgasmed together, and in the afterglow, he kissed me passionately.

“You’re fucking incredible, Olivia,” he told me breathlessly.

“I know,” I said.

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