Libertad: Freedom

18 min read

Erotic fiction in Spanish and English. Scroll down for English translation — Ficción erótica en inglés y en español. Desplaza el botón hacia abajo para la traducción a inglés.

Libertad, sin límites, sin fronteras, sin juicios ni prejuicios. Así me siento cuando estamos juntos, no hay nada de lo que tenga que avergonzarme, nada de lo que siento, deseo o quiero que provoque rechazo por tu parte. Nos vemos, nos entendemos, y todo lo que somos, hemos sido y seremos es aceptado con cariño y compresión, como si nuestro amor superara los juicios y los prejuicios, simplemente eramos tu y yo, eramos uno, eramos dos, eramos algo que este mundo no podía comprender sin quitarse todas las prendas que conformaban el traje al que llamaban incomprensión.

Recuerdo especialmente uno de esos días que se te pegan en la piel, densos, en los que todo requiere un esfuerzo extra, el aire es más pesado y por alguna razón, todos buscan la manera de llevarte la contraria y lo único que me daba fuerzas era pensar que al llegar a casa estaría contigo. Estaba totalmente agotado, mentalmente fundido y sin nada más en mi cabeza que darte un abrazo esperando que como siempre consiguieras traerme de vuelta al mundo de los vivos. Tumbarme a tu lado, acariciarte y volver a descubrir ese cuerpo que despertaba los instintos más oscuros y más puros a la vez.

Al llegar a casa estabas de pie en el comedor, inclinada mirando unos papeles con ese jersey con escote de cisne que te venía grande, pasé por detrás tuyo, te abracé por la cintura y te besé el cuello susurrándote hola cariño en el oido. Me contestaste con un beso distraído y una frase que oscilaba entre lariño o olariño, no lo tenía demasiado claro. Di la vuelta a la mesa y me coloqué delante tuyo para poderte mirar a los ojos y ese jersey hizo de las suyas, veía tus pechos moverse con tu respiración e inmediatamente me perdí en mis propios pensamientos.

Tu decías que eran pequeños y yo decía que eran para poder disfrutarlos mejor. Sus curvas se veían perfectamente desde ese cuello abierto, incluso se adivinaba el pezon mientras tu seguías repasando esos papeles sin darte cuenta de como te miraba. Llevaba un rato observándote fijamente, no solo a tus pechos, sino como tus caderas quedaban colocadas al apoyarte sobre los codos, en la piel del hombro y como reflejaba la luz.

Tus ojos se levantaron del papel y se cruzaron con los míos y supiste inmediatamente que tenía en mente, que estaba pensando, que estaba mirando. Me leías como un libro abierto y si eso no era suficiente un bulto se dibujaba en mi pantalón delatando la erección que estaba gestando. Sonreíste y mordiste el tapón del bolígrafo, tu decías que era un gesto nervioso inconsciente y yo siempre te contestaba que para ser inconsciente conseguía ponerme muy cachondo.

No pude contenerme y te bese, sin pedir permiso, sin esperar. Un beso delicado y largo. Mi lengua recorrió despacio tus labios presentándome: hola, te deseo y te deseo ahora. Tu boca se abrió respondiendo y en ese momento me retiré, sonriendo. Te miré a los ojos di dos pasos hacia atrás y con un gesto te indique que quería que te pusieras en mi lado de la mesa.

Mientras me mirabas, te conté que había tenido un día largo, que te no podía pensar en otra cosa que follarte, hacerte el amor, que había estado en demasiadas reuniones y lo único que recuerdo es yo pensando en el sabor de tu boca, en como gemías cuando lamía tus pezones y lo dura que se me ponía cuando derramabas tus gemidos en mi oído. Te pusiste un poco colorada pero caminaste hasta ponerte delante mío.

Te volví a besar, despacio, sin prisas mientras quitaba el jersey y tus pezones notaban como la seda los acariciaba. Me acerqué a tu boca, sentía tu respiración pero en vez de besarte te bajé las bragas y los legins, dejándote desnuda delante mío. Te miré de arriba a abajo, estabas preciosa, un cuerpo de mujer, un cuerpo de verdad, un cuerpo que podía recorrer mil veces y siempre quedarme con ganas de mas.

Te dije que eras preciosa, que te deseaba. Cogí tu mano y bese un dedo, despacio, metiéndomelo en la boca, chupándolo y cuando estaba totalmente mojado lo acerqué a tu pezón, haciéndote que te acariciaras. Cogí tu otra mano y repetí la operación pero acerque tu mano a tu coño, que estaba caliente. Notaste mis dedos y el tuyo como se acercaban y te masturbaban. Tus dedos y los míos acariciándote, mi boca lamiendo tu pezón mientras tu mano acariciaba el otro. Sentía el deseo que corría por mi cuerpo y mi polla estaba a punto de estallar.

Me separé un poco de ti y al ver tu cuerpo desnudo quería ver más. Te cogí por la cintura y te coloqué en el centro de la mesa, cogí tus tobillos y los puse encima, dejando totalmente expuesto tu sexo a mi mirada y susurrándote al oído te dije: enséñame. Di un paso atrás y me senté en la silla mirándote.

Al principio no sabías que hacer así que te sugerí que te chuparas un dedo, que lo mojaras bien con tu boca y bajaras. Sabía que era una tontería que te dijera esto porque tu ya sabías como hacerte disfrutar, y quedó claro cuando después de oírme decir esta obviedad tu me sonreíste enviándome un mensaje muy claro: vas a tardar poco en bajarte los pantalones y masturbarte delante mío también.

Comenzaste a masturbarte, tu sexo rosado se veía mojado, caliente, hinchado y abierto, lo acariciabas con tus dedos y de vez en cuando estos se perdían dentro de ti, follándote a ti misma para luego salir y frotar con fuerza tu clítoris. Te mordías los labios y tu respiración era cada vez más agitada pero te negabas a cerrar los ojos, querías ver como yo me excitaba cada vez más, como ese bulto en mis pantalones crecía y se hacía cada vez más obvio.

Estábamos totalmente excitados, tu coño totalmente mojado y tus dedos empapados. Con una mano abrías tus labios para que viera mejor y con la otra te acariciabas. El clítoris totalmente duro se movía ante las embestidas de tus dedos y notabas como te paseabas al borde del orgasmo y que poco a poco se deslizaba por tu espalda. En ese momento yo me levante y te aparté las manos, tu te resistías querías correrte pero yo insistí y te tumbé en la mesa atándote las manos a la cabecera y con las piernas abiertas para mi.

Tus ojos me suplicaban que te hiciera correr, pero yo sonreí, quería verte gemir de placer, pedirme que te dejara correr. Chupé tus pezones con fuerza, estirando, notando lo duro que estaban, mordiéndolos con mi dientes y luego los acariciaba. Bajé mis manos hacia tu sexo, y tu te abrías a mi, pidiendo tu orgasmo, acariciaba tu sexo, me deslizaba por tus labios mojados y abiertos y un dedo se deslizo dentro de ti, entro todo sin problemas porque estabas totalmente abierta y mojada.

Empecé a follarte con el dedo y tus caderas querían más. Notaste una vibración, con mi otra mano había cogido un vibrador y lo coloqué encima de tu clítoris que estaba duro, saliendo, mostrándose y al sentir la vibración hizo que un gemido se escapara de tu boca. El orgasmo estaba volviendo y aparté el vibrador. Me gritaste, me suplicaste que te diera el orgasmo. Dos dedos míos volvieron a entrar dentro de ti, esta vez costó más porque son grandes pero poco a poco te abrieron, se hicieron sitio dentro de ti. Estabas abierta y te abriste más. El vibrador volvió a sonar, a rozarte el coño. Cerraste los ojos, te mordías los labios y notabas como un tercer dedo jugaba en tu coño, haciéndose sitio. Pensabas que explotarías, que no podías con más, jadeabas, gemías, te abrías todo lo que podías porque lo querías todo dentro y poco a poco entraba, despacio hasta que lo sentiste, sentías mis tres dedos en ti, tu clítoris loco por el vibrador y una ráfaga te atrapó y te arranco un gemido largo, tus brazos tensaron el lazo que te tenía atada, era intenso, poderoso y te corriste, te dejaste llevar por esa ola de placer.

Tumbada, jadeando, comencé a besarte, a acariciarte, a darte caricias por todo tu cuerpo. Besos pequeños que cubrían toda tu piel mientras te repetía una y otra vez que eras preciosa, que te deseaba. Subiendo y bajando por tu piel, sin desatarte las manos te di la vuelta y quedaste de espaldas, te hice poner de rodillas, y seguí con mis caricias tus nalgas, muslos, notaba el calor de tu sexo cuando me acercaba, pero solo lo llegaba a rozar lo justo. Te masajeaba la espalda, bajaba a tu pecho y jugaba con tus pechos colgando, rozando tus pezones, para volver a la espalda y bajar hasta tus nalgas, para presionar con mi dedo tu culo.

Notaste como un liquido caía por entre tus nalgas, estaba caliente, era espeso, viscoso y mis dedos lo extendían, presionando cada vez más hasta que notaste como te metía algo dentro del culo. Era frío, grande, notabas que te abría poco a poco, que se hacía sitio en tu culo. Te mordiste el labio, te gustaba y te dolía un poco. Te pedí paciencia que enseguida estaría y notaste como al final se deslizo dentro de ti, sentías algo parecido a una bola en tu culo haciendo presión. Luego, otra vez un tacto metálico se paseaba por tu sexo, mojándose en ti, se hacía sitio, presionando contra tu vagina empezó a entrar, a abrirse paso dentro de ti. Este era un poco más grande que el anterior, notabas que no era redondo sino alargado y entraba cada vez más dentro, ocupando todo el espacio disponible.

Bese tu nalga, subí por tu espalda, llegue a tu cuello, te cogí la barbilla para que me miraras, te bese y tu boca se abrió a mi lengua. Jugamos con nuestros labios, te recorro con mi lengua, te exploro por dentro y te dejo con ganas de mas. Me quedo delante tuyo y me bajo mis pantalones, y mi polla aparece delante tuyo, brillando, con ese brillo que da el estar totalmente excitado.

La acerque a tu boca y tu lengua salió a su encuentro, lamiendo el glande despacio, mojándolo todo. Lamiendo desde la punta a la base, pasando entre tus labios. Notabas como ardía de deseos, como calentaba tu mejilla cuando bajabas a chuparme la base. Querías usar las manos para cogérmela pero las tenías atadas y no podías hacer nada más que usar tu boca. Yo te veía lamiendo, empapándome, como cogías la cabeza de mi polla y chupabas con fuerza succionando con fuerza.

Me miraste a los ojos, viste mi deseo y poco a poco empezaste a metértela, notaba como entraba toda, como mi polla hacía de tu boca su casa, como tu lengua me saludaba al entrar y salir, como tus dientes me rozaban. Entraba y salía con más fuerza. Yo gemía de placer, me estabas llevando al borde del placer. Mis huevos golpeaban tu barbilla, cada vez más rápido y pensaba que estaba a punto de explotar.

En ese momento notaste un zumbido, un zumbido en tu culo y en tu coño. Empezó a temblar algo dentro de ti, a moverse y vibrar y una oleada de placer te recorrió. Saqué mi polla de tu boca y me arrodille delante tuyo, te bese y te susurré, quiero que te corras otra vez cariño, ¿Quieres correrte otra vez? Antes de que contestaras subí la potencia y todo tu cuerpo se estremeció, era increíble lo que te hacía sentir las bolas dentro de ti, vibrando, moviéndose, abriendo cada parte de ti y llevándote de nuevo a un orgasmo. Nuestros ojos se miraban, veía como el orgasmo se asomaba por el fondo de tus ojos y se acercaba galopando. Puse los aparatos al máximo, a plena potencia y un grito de placer salió de tu boca, tu cuerpo temblaba, se estremecía mientras el orgasmo se cebaba en ti recorriendo toda tu piel, todos tus músculos en tensión hasta un ultimo gemido que relajó tu cuerpo.

Te bese otra vez, te dije que quería y te deseaba, te solté las ataduras y despacio te sequé el sudor con una toalla, limpiándote la piel, sacándote los vibradores con delicadeza y besándote. Te di la vuelta me puse delante tuyo mientras te cubría de mimos y masajes y te acerqué a mi, hasta tener tu sexo de nuevo a la altura de mi polla.

Estaba al rojo vivo, caliente, mojado, saciado y con sed, y mi polla se puso de nuevo dura al verte abierta para mi. Te miré a los ojos, como pidiéndote permiso para hacerte el amor y sonreíste. Con delicadeza pasee mi polla por tu sexo, entró sin problemas y mi boca buscó la tuya. Te cogí entre mis brazos, te levanté y cambiamos posiciones, yo me senté en la mesa y tu encima mío. Seguíamos besando y mi polla estaba dentro de ti, nos movíamos tu y yo, puros, libres, deseándonos sin parar.

Me mirabas a los ojos y yo nadaba en los tuyos, cogía tu culo con las dos manos y te hacía subir y bajar, mi polla no podía aguantar tanto, no hacía más que decir que me encantaba, tu me mordías el cuello, movías tus caderas, y notaba como estaba dentro de ti, rozándote por dentro, a punto de explotar cuando el orgasmo me pilló desprevenido y me corrí dentro de ti, tu me cogiste por el pelo y seguiste moviéndote, haciéndome gemir y al cabo de dos embestidas, de nuevo, el orgasmo te vino de nuevo quedando los dos atrapados en un abrazo.

Freedom without limits, boundaries, judgment or prejudice. That’s what it feels like when we are together, there is nothing to be ashamed of, none of my feelings, desires or wishes triggers your rejection. We see each other, we understand each other and everything we are, have been and will be is accepted with affection and appreciation, as if our love could drive out all bias and prejudice. It is just you and me, we used to be one, we used to be two, we used to be something this world could not understand without giving up every brick of preconceived notion bound together in an enormous wall called incomprehension.

I especially remember one of those sultry days when perspiration wouldn’t evaporate quickly from my skin, when it was stuffy, everything required extra effort, the air felt heavier and, for some reason, everyone was seeking confrontation and all I looked forward to was getting home and finding you there. I was completely exhausted, I was having a mental meltdown, and my only thought was to hug you in the hope that you would, as usual, bring me back to life. I couldn’t help but think about lying down next to you, caressing you and rediscovering that body with the ability to awaken my darkest and purest instincts at the same time.

When I got home you were standing in the dining room, bent towards some paperwork you were checking, wearing that oversized V-neck sweater. I walked behind you, I hugged you around your waist and whispered in your ear, “Hello darling.” Your answer was a distracted kiss along with a phrase that sounded like “hey darling,” I wasn’t too sure. I went around the table so as to be face-to-face with you, to be able to stare into your eyes. That jumper got up to its old tricks, I could see your breasts bouncing as you breathed and immediately I was lost inside my own thoughts.

You said they were small and I said “all the better to enjoy, my dear.” Your curves were perfectly visible from that open neck, I could even spot your nipple while you carried on reviewing those papers without realizing how I was looking at you. I had been staring at you for a while, looking not only at your breasts, but also at your hips’ position as you were resting on your elbows, at the skin of your shoulders and how the light was reflected.

You took your eyes off the paperwork and kept them on mine. You immediately became aware of what I had in mind, what I was thinking, what I was looking at. You could read my thoughts as if they were an open book for you, and if that was not enough a bulge was swelling under my pants, revealing the erection in progress. You smiled and bit the cap of the pen. You said that was an unintentional nervous reaction and I would reply that despite the lack of intent it managed to get me very horny every time.

I couldn’t restrain myself from kissing you, without asking for permission, without delay. It was a delicate and long kiss. My tongue ran slowly over your lips, introducing me: “hello, I want you and I want you now.” Your mouth opened in responsive and I pulled back, smiling. I looked in your eyes, took two steps back and with a gesture I let you know that I wanted you to stand on my side of the table.

While you were watching me I told you that I’d had a long day, that all I could think of was fucking you, making love to you, I had been in too many meetings and even now the only thing I remember from all that working time was that I was thinking about the taste of your mouth, how you moaned when I licked your nipples and how rock hard I was as you filled my ear with your groaning. You blushed slightly, yet you came and stood right in front of me.

I kissed you again, slowly, without rushing, as I removed your sweater and your nipples could feel the silk caressing them. I moved closer to your mouth, I could feel your breathing but instead of kissing you I pulled your panties and leggings down which left you naked in front of me. I looked you up and down, you were gorgeous, your body was a real woman’s body that I could slide across a thousand times yet that would always leave me wanting more…

I told you that you were lovely, that I wanted you. I took your hand and kissed one of your fingers, slowly, sticking it in my mouth, licking it and once it got completely wet I moved it closer to your nipple, making you caress yourself with it. I took your other hand and repeated the process but this time I moved your hand closer to your pussy, which was hot. You could feel my fingers and your finger as they approached and stroked you. I could feel the desire running through my body and my cock was ready to burst.

I broke away from you a little, but seeing your naked body left me wanting to see more. I grabbed your waist and laid you in the middle of the table, I took your ankles and pushed your knees up, leaving your sex completely exposed before my eyes, and I whispered in your ear: “show me how.” I took a step back and sat on the chair, watching you.

At first you didn’t know what to do so I suggested that you licked a finger, soaked it thoroughly with your mouth and moved it down. I appreciated that telling you this was silly as you already knew how to enjoy yourself, and, it was made clear when you smiled, sending me a very straightforward message: it won’t be long before you pull down your pants and start masturbating in front of me as well.

You started masturbating, your pink sex looked hot, wet, swollen and open, you caressed it with your fingers and from time to time they would get lost inside you as you fucked yourself and would then come back out to rub your clitoris hard. You nibbled your lips and your breathing became more and more agitated but you refused to close your eyes, you wanted to see how I was getting increasingly excited, how the bulge in my pants became bulkier and more obvious.

We were overwhelmingly excited, your pussy was totally wet and your fingers were thoroughly soaked. With one hand you would pull your pussy lips apart for me to better see the wet flesh of your inner lips and you would touch yourself with the other. Your rock hard clit was throbbing along with the onslaught of your fingers and you felt how you teetered at the edge of an orgasm that slowly but surely crept up your spine. At that point I stood up and took your hands away. You resisted, you wanted to come, but I insisted and laid you on the table tying your hands and making you spread your legs for me.

Your eyes were pleading with me to make you come but I smiled, I wanted to watch you moaning with pleasure and begging me to let you come. I sucked your nipples hard, stretching them, noticing how hard they were, nibbling them with my teeth and then caressing them. I moved my hands down towards your sex and you opened up to me, seeking your orgasm. I caressed your sex, I slid down your wet and parted lips and a finger slipped inside you. The whole finger slid in at once because you were so spread and wet.

I started to fuck you with the finger and your hips wanted more. You felt a vibration. I had taken a dildo with my other hand and placed it on your clitoris, which was hard, emerging; and upon feeling the vibration you let out a groan. The orgasm was coming back, and I moved the dildo away. You yelled at me, begging me to give you an orgasm. Two of my fingers went back inside you. Getting them in was harder this time because they were larger and slowly but surely they spread you open and fitted themselves inside you. Your pussy was wide open yet it opened wider. The sound of the vibrator came back as it rubbed your pussy. You closed your eyes, you nibbled your lips and noticed how a third finger was playing with your pussy, finding its place inside. You thought that you could explode, that you couldn’t take any more, you gasped, you moaned, you opened your pussy as wide as you could because you couldn’t get enough, and little by little you took it until you could feel feel my three fingers inside you, your clit crazy for the vibrator. An energy rush caught you up and you let out a long moan, your arms tensed against your restraint. It was an intense and powerful orgasm and you came, you allowed yourself to be swept on that wave of pleasure.

As you lay gasping I began to kiss you, to caress you, to touch your body all over. Little kisses covered your skin while I kept telling you that you were gorgeous and I wanted you. Going up and down until I covered the skin of your whole body, without untying your hands, I turned you over onto your knees and I carried on caressing your buttocks, thighs, noticing your sex’s heat flaring up when I got close enough. I massaged your back, moved to your chest and played with your breasts, I rubbed your nipples and then moved my hands back to your spine and went down to your buttocks and pressed my finger against your ass.

You felt your warm, thick, slippery juice running between your cheeks and I stretched it with my fingers, pressing harder and harder until you could feel that I had put something in your ass. It was something cold and bulky, you noticed how it was plowing through little by little until it found its place in your ass. You bit your lip, you were enjoying it yet you found it slightly painful. I asked you to be patient, and the whole thing slipped into you in the end. You felt something like a ball putting pressure inside your ass. You then felt a metallic touch around your sex, getting covered by your juice, trying to accommodate itself inside you by pressing against your vagina. It began to enter, to push inside you. This one was a bit bigger than the previous one, you noticed that its shape was move oval than round and it managed to get deeper and deeper inside until it filled you completely.

I kissed your ass cheek, kissing my way slowly up your back until I reached your neck. I tilted your chin to make you look at me, I kissed you and you opened your mouth wider to let my tongue in. We played with our lips, I licked yours with my tongue, explored the inside of your mouth and left you wishing for more. I stood in front of you and pulled down my pants. My dick popped up in front of you and it was shiny, glossy with arousal.

I moved it closer to your mouth and your tongue reached out to it, licking the glans slowly, wet kissing all over it. You sucked my cock all the way from the tip to the base, passing it gently between your lips. You noticed my desire burning inside of me and how it warmed your cheek when you went down to suck the root. You would have liked to use your hands to take hold of it but they were literally tied, leaving you with no choice but to use your mouth. I watched you sucking, soaking, taking the head of my dick and sucking it hard.

You looked into my eyes and saw they were full of desire. Slowly but surely you started to take it in, I felt how you managed to take it all, how my cock was given a proper welcome in your mouth, how it was greeted by your tongue as it moved in and out, how your teeth touched it. It pushed and pulled in and out harder and harder and I groaned with pleasure as you were taking me to the edge. My balls were hitting your chin, faster and faster, and I thought I was about to explode.

At that point you felt a buzzing in your ass and in your pussy. Something started to tremble inside you, it was moving and vibrating and a wave of pleasure ran through you. I pulled my cock out of your mouth and knelt in front of you. I kissed you and whispered in your ear: “I want you to come again, honey. Would you like to come again?” Before you answered I turned up the power and your whole body shuddered. It was amazing what the balls inside you could make you feel, vibrations, sensations, you felt torn apart and brought back to an orgasm again. Our eyes met and I could see the orgasm inside you finding its way out through the back of your eyes. I turned up the devices’ settings to full power and your mouth let out a cry of pleasure, your body was shaking, shuddering as the orgasm hit you, running through your skin and your tensed muscles until a final moan indicated that your body had relaxed.

I kissed you again and I told you that I loved you and I wanted you, I released your restraints and wiped your sweat away with a towel, cleaning your skin, gently removing the vibrators and kissing you. I turned you around so we could face each other and as I treated you to pampering and massage I moved you closer to me, until your pussy was at the right height for my dick.

I was red-hot, glowing hot, wet, satisfied and thirsty, and my cock became hard again upon seeing your pussy spread open for me. I looked into your eyes, as if asking for permission to make love to you and you smiled. I gently slid my dick around your sex, it slid in easily and my mouth sought yours. I took you in my arms, I lifted you up and we switched positions, I sat on the table and you sat on my lap. We carried on kissing as my cock was inside you, we moved together in pure, free non-stop desire.

You looked me in the eyes and I was swimming in yours, I grasped your ass with both hands and made it move up and down. My dick could not take that much, I could do nothing but say I was loving it, you nibbled my neck, shook your hips and I felt my dick inside you, rubbing you inside out, about to explode, when the orgasm took me by surprise and I came inside you. You pulled my hair and kept on moving, making me groan, and after two thrusts you came again, the two of us trapped in an embrace.

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