Your own personal porn may be exactly what you need. Have you ever considered making your own sex tape? In a post-Kardashian world,...
How Porn Can, Should, and Does Change the World Conversations about porn and making porn rarely involve discussions about real sex. “It’s just...
A conversation between Elle Beau and James Neil Clarke about some of their hottest moves. You’ve seen lists like Cosmo’s top sex tips,...
We were getting ready to go out. Black tie party and all that. I had just put on my thigh highs when...
It’s like being the filling in a marshmallow sandwich, all soft sweetness and warm rolls of pillowy flesh — apart from the granite-hard cock...
A Mrs. Bladedigger Tale Over breakfast, Mrs. Bladedigger said that she wanted to go to the mall in search of a new pair of...
I glanced up at the lunch line while I sat in the corner of the cafe, typing on my laptop. He was...
Punishment and pleasure. Podcast written by Jaiden MyErotica, read by Lora Vestaloyne “You’re the boss, honey.” He said it — and not for the first...
Is daily masturbation the key to a happier life? The new year is widely regarded as the time of new beginnings and self-work,...
She made it clear from the beginning that she was an exhibitionist. As a Dom, that worked perfectly for him when it...