I have been Master F’s sub for several months now. My real name doesn’t matter. To my master, I am Kitten. I am twenty-four years old and petite, waiflike. My master is older and I would have it no other way. I am his sub. I love him. Leave it at that. I am happy in my role and strive to please him in all ways.
My day started as my master had planned it. When I awoke beside him, I was careful not to wake him. I left the bed silently and reached for my robe, then I had my first naughty thought of the day (Master allows me to think sexual thoughts before he rises). Leaving the robe, I slipped into my mule slippers and, still otherwise naked, walked to the kitchen expecting to find Master’s chef and houseman, Raul, already there. I enjoy cockteasing him first thing in the morning; Master says I should always strive to excite any man in our home. I have accused Master of hiring Raul not just for his culinary talent, but for his humongous cock as well. It is as big around as my wrist and as long as my forearm. Master denies he knew of Raul’s gift before he hired him, but when he discovered it, ah, well, that’s another story. Master sometimes lets me experience Raul’s meat, and I have to say that he is as talented with his cock as he is with his kitchen tools.
Today, I was disappointed to find myself alone in the kitchen with no one to pleasure, so I made Master his morning coffee and checked the white board. Master had ordered that eggs Benedict should be prepared today. Master calls for béarnaise sauce rather than hollandaise on his eggs. I placed Master’s breakfast on the hotplate and dutifully dressed for him.
If we are to be alone at home, my standard outfit is one of Master’s button-down shirts, a thong, and the mules. Normally, I must wear a fresh shirt every day. But today I found he had hung up the expensive linen one he was wearing yesterday evening. I took it from the hanger and held it against my face, inhaling his smell and the hint of his cologne. To me, it is intoxicating, and always makes me wet between my legs, ready to serve. I stole a quick feel, rubbing my finger gently over my clit, and remembered that today Raul was to take me for a wax, manicure and pedicure. Another naughty thought struck me. I cut down the nail on my index finger, giggling to myself. I slipped on the linen shirt, knowing full well it was a minor violation and I would be punished for it later. But it just smelled and felt so good.
When it was time to wake Master up, I slipped back into bed and pulled the covers off his naked body. He was still totally flaccid, ready for me. You see, Master only rises when he has risen, so to speak. I knelt beside him, bending over so my head was at his crotch. Checking once more to see if he was asleep, I took his whole cock into my mouth, sucking it softly between my lips. It was such a treat to have all of him inside my mouth, to feel him growing on my tongue. Once I have him in my mouth, Master does not allow me to retreat until he is finished. His cock grows harder, filling my mouth and sliding down my throat.
Master demands that I when I wake him in the morning, I should bring some form of toy with me; a vibrator or butt plug, for example. But on this day, I did not. So now he had another thing to add to my punishment.
Many mornings, Master waits until he is fully erect before pulling my legs over his face and eating my pussy hungrily, but today I had a surprise for him. He had just reached a hand out to feel my wetness, when I slid my short-nailed finger up his ass and massaged his prostate, causing him to blast his semen into my restricted throat. I didn’t lose a drop, keeping his throbbing cock inside my mouth until Master was ready to remove it, but I took my finger from within him when his cock stopped pulsing.
In no time, Master was out of bed and on his feet. He noticed the shirt I was wearing and almost laughed. “Your butt will pay for that.”
I nodded and replied, “Butt, of course, Master,” smiling back at him.
He left me to sit patiently on the bed waiting. I heard the shower running and hoped that Master would call for me. Ten minutes later, he returned. I was still sitting on the bed, my hands in my lap, waiting. He dressed casually and, with his coffee in hand, he beckoned me to him.
We moved to the breakfast nook. Raul had arrived, probably while Master was waking — he will always come and check on us when he arrives in case Master wants to see me taken roughly while he dresses — and he had a slight smile on his face that said he’d seen something he’d liked this morning. We ate in silence, some melon and then the eggs Benedict, and once done I fetched my collar. Master kissed my neck as he fastened the collar, going over today’s schedule with Raul. Then I saw a quizzical look spreading over Master’s face and I was not sure what it meant.
“Shall I prepare for discipline?” I asked, but Master shook his head.
“No. But tell me, did you forget, or did you come to me this morning without your toy, intentionally?”
I felt myself blushing as I lowered my gaze and replied, “Master, I did not forget.”
The doorbell rang. “So, two sins today, already… but I have my first client here, apparently, so that will have to wait.”
He walked to his office and greeted his client. I said silently to myself, today is already going so well that I may find a way to sin again before he gives me my punishment — and my reward. We’ll see…