
Bee’s New Hammock

Bee closed her eyes and her mind wandered to the Caribbean waters of her upcoming holiday. As she opened them again she...
21st Century Loving
3 min read

Very Thankful

It was Thanksgiving weekend and we had been invited to a family-friend’s house in Miami for the occasion. Our host’s apartment was...
Lola Down
19 min read


The neon pink rides the windy surface while she tries to keep afloat, balancing on all fours, her tan knees and elbows...
21st Century Loving
3 min read

Toys and the TSA

 Traveling with Sex Toys What is it about a vacation that gets us so hot and bothered? It’s probably the change of pace...
Allison Leigh
2 min read

Bangkok Nights

No matter what the linguists say, all cultures share a common tongue… As the train slid smoothly into Siam station, Andi stood and...
Queen Autumn
8 min read